Thursday, 21 November 2019

Where has the time gone? A year of solid writing

I have a reminder to write here set up on an app and when it pops up I think, "Right, I'll do that next." Unfortunately, I then proceeded to forget. For a year! Apologies to anyone who may have toyed with following me here. That will change.

So what has happened over the past year?
Quite a lot, although if you look at my actual output, it would appear to be bugger all. Which is a shame. But great things are afoot! For previous books check out this link you are looking at right now. 

The Fantasy novel
I am still writing my epic fantasy story and am currently at around 500,000 words. I have identified a point where book one would end and am now well into book two. But I have had to pause. I have a couple of ebooks out but nowhere near the following or presence that would persuade many people to buy such a huge novel. Also, it is huge and not finished and will need almost a complete rewrite - well not complete as the world and characters and general events are good, it is just most of the words that will need altering.
So I decided that I would write some shorter books - scifi to start with -  and will then finish the fantasy and publish to international acclaim.

Shorter ebooks
I have mentioned before that I intend to write some non-fiction shorter ebooks. My background is journalism, so I thought I might as well publish something relating to previous writings. I have one ready to go called "Haunted Thailand - Ghosts and Spirits in the Land of Smiles". Pretty cool title right? The cover is done. I need to go over it once more, write the blurb and it is good to go. I will share it here imminently. I promise.

A scifi novel
I am also writing a light-hearted science fiction novel that will be a damn sight shorter than my fantasy one. I am currently about 9000 words in which doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a lot nearer the end than the fantasy. So that is relatively exciting. Potentially. Soonish.

Other websites
My other websites are doing well and I have been focusing more on them than this. My bad. If you're a bit bored, please check them out. is all about... well you can probably guess. My other is and is about everything in existence that is not science fiction.

I will be back soon with the exciting news of my new Thai ebook. Excitement!